
The Intemnets Lab conducts research on intelligent networked systems that adapt to human activity and the environment to provide services for a variety of applications. We refer to these systems as Intelligent and Embedded Networked (Intemnet) Systems and consider different areas of operation (i.e., personal, local, metropolitan, and global areas) as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Intelligent and Embedded Networked Systems

Figure 1 shows a personal-area networked system, which is treated as an individual system that is aware of its user activity (e.g., body posture, user mobility, services accessed by the user) and that adapts intelligently in order to provide services with quality guarantees to the user. Several personal-area networked systems may communicate with each other to be aware of the activities the users perform as a team. This is a local-area networked system that adapts to the team by observing and learning from the activity patterns of the users. This formation of new networked systems from smaller systems may continue recursively if the application requires it. We view this recurrent formation larger-area networked systems in a way similar to the formation of fractals such as the Madelbrot set in Figure 2.

Figure 2. The Madelbrot set

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